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The year that was... 2016

December - A lot of motion - Olivia continues her Japan trip and returns, Jon and Bea move from Malaysia to Oz, Elena and Nick move to West End, and James and Keno drop in on Australiafrom Oxford


November -  Nick & Elena settle in to Oz, Exams and Japan for Olivia, meetings in Rome for James, a full life for all • Nov 6th - Clan Dunlop and friends share birthday celebrations


October - A big month with big moments - Nick & Elena arriving from Europe, Bea & Jon from KL, Stephen working in Adelaide, Olivia going all Germanic, an Oxford anniversay, wildlife antics aplenty, and birthdays for an AthoTurnbull and a young MIss Dunlop • 


September - Olivia's semester break includes the Physio Ball • 22nd - the end of an era. Fuji Chamberlainpasses • Stephen and Paulie are reunited en France on the 20th • On the 11th Stephen heads to the Caribbean for work and Paulie heads to France • September kicks off 


August - Work routines & travel, outings, visitors • The funeral of our neighbour and friend of 40 + years, Kaida 


JulyFamily stuff for July . Le Tour de Francecomes to St Antonin on the 7th 


June - More time in NZ for Bill's funeral and busy clan in Europe • Work for LiftUpp starts in earnest for Stephen in NZ. A dear friend dies


May Be - 7 weeks after returning, Stephen heads back to England & France & Paulie to NZ • May kicks off at Chateau AthoTurnbul before the clan disperse again


April away - 14th - 22nd Atholads catch up with their madre in Spain • 13th - 18th - back to Aussie HQ for the Ladies Turnbull & Stephen • 1st -13th SJA's last 13 days in France & return to La Cachette, Gals still refugees. Stephen greets Jan & Jim before heading home


Marching on A Franco-Australian affair - Stephen in France, the gals in Brisbane and an Italian visitor • Splintered team with SJA is still in England, the gals in Oz, the boys in their respective turfs


February fades for the AthoTurnbulls on both sides of the planet • February frivolity - moves underway with Stephen to England & France & Paulie and Olivia to St Lucia


Jump into January - On Jan 28th the girls headed to a Kiwi family wedding •  A quiet start to 2016 included a visit from Malaysian based clan, Paulie sisterly bonding, and an Aussie Day do •

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